
Detention Tanks

Detention Tanks

Your plans are calling for 2,000 Litre Stormwater Detention Tank, but you’re not sure what that is?


What size tank should I buy?

Finally … winter is over and spring is here! (thankfully, don’t know about you but we’re sick of this grey weather!) Summer is just around the corner, and although we all enjoy the great weather we do need to think responsibly about our water use over the summer months. A question we get asked all

Aquaplate rainwater tanks

What is Aquaplate?

Aquaplate is a specialised material developed by Bluescope Steel specifically for drinking-water tanks. It is Australia’s premium tank-making material, and is backed by a 20 year warranty. This material has an internal tough food-grade, two-ply polymer lining bonded to the steel during manufacture on BlueScope’s production lines. In short, this means that water cannot ever

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